Wednesday, July 17, 2019

"International Aikido Summit": The new name of the IAF's biggest event

The 'International Aikido Summit' is the new name of the International Aikido Federation's biggest event held in Japan every 4 years, previously called 'IAF Congress', International Aikido Congress.

The new name of the event has been decided as it is meant to be a complex occasion, which includes many activities such as the IAF General Assembly meetings, forum sessions, gender session, seminar trainings and the Embukai.

The International Aikido Summit will be held from the 26th of September 2020 untill the 3rd of October 2020, at Yoyogi Center of Tokyo, which will be the main location. Minatoku Sport Center will be the place dedicated to the pre-opening Gender session.

Doshu Moriteru Ueshiba is the personality that will open and also close the summit.

For more information and updates please visit the IAF's official website.