Saturday, June 8, 2019

Dojo-cho’s new book

By Aikikai Foundation 公益財団法人合気会 (Facebook official)
Notice about the publishing of Dojo-cho’s new book

“Introduction to Aikido: mastering the basics through correct practice”, the new book written by Aikido Hombu Dojo-cho Mitsuteru Ueshiba (edited by Naigai Publishing), is now available for sale.

This book explores the fundamentals of Aikido, showing the basic movements and techniques with complete explanations and photographs, depicting every detail. Ideal not only for beginners, but also for those who want to review the basics or instructors who want a support for their teaching.
You can buy this book at major bookstores in Japan, contacting directly Naigai Publishing, and at Aikido Hombu Dojo’s front desk.

(Available only in Japanese, 1,620 tax included)
植芝充央合気道本部道場長の新著『合気道入門 正確な稽古で基本を極める』が、このたび発売となりました。
『合気道入門 正確な稽古で基本を極める』は、日本全国の主要書店および内外出版社にてお求めいただけます。また、本書は合気道本部道場でもお求めいただくことが可能です。購入をご希望の場合は、本部道場受付までお気軽にお声がけください。
『合気道入門 正確な稽古で基本を極める』(植芝充央著・内外出版社刊・1,620円 税込)